Wednesday, March 31, 2004

One more thing, Jeremiah has graciously offered me his services in making some changes to my blogsite, like some background changes, text changes, etc, or at least that's what I'm assuming he's talking about, and so I was just wondering if any of you have any comments, ideas, insults, enouragements, so my site, and/or the changing of it. So, please COMMENT an tell me whatcha think on that!

&Alli Awdoblock&

Song for this post - Yankee Doodle

Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Well Guys, it has been a few days, and for that i profusley apologize. I have been quite busy(Some of us acctually DO have a life away from the cpu, unlike some.... ;) whose names I wont mention), and if you'd like me to prove this point, I shall do so in the following day journal:
Friday, March 26, 2k4: Wake up at about 6:40am, which is pretty much the usual, eat and etc, leave for school at about 7:40, schools out at 3pm, but those dern kiddos mess around for a few mins, so we dont geet home 'til aboot Foe (25min drive home), so I get to go home and clean up my room/pack for 'Lando (no not Calriseon [please corrent me on my sp....spuh....spelling]) for a few minutes, shower, eat quick, then go to the Elder's 25th anneversiary (sp) party at church at about 7, and stay there for a few hours - 'twas a really good time! Also, I absolutely must put in a quick bit on the Elder trio's (thats Shan, LNI, Abbigail, and Char) singing! Twas Phantasmagorical (yes 'tis a real word, altho I did, admitidely, use it out of context)! They sang their version of 'Goin' to the Chapel', which I believe was sung by the Shing-Ri-Lah's or some band which had a wierd name from the 60s, which was just about the best ameteur song I've ever heard sung!
- such as Brandon Fisher (and Jill H, Bethany F) about ECHO, and I am just Soooooo Excited about the whole ordeal (the first trip was my trip of choice) - I have learned that The Fishers (Meg and Brand) and the Moores (Chuck and Beth) and Mr. Danny Cutter will be the leaders, and there will be many really cool people attending, including, Jill, Bethany, Hayley, Matt Blocki, Margaret, Brittany, Myself, Zachhary (probubly), among many others of which I havw either not heard about or simple forgotten (plz don''t be offended if I have forgotten you (it happens often!), but, rather, plz inform me of any other knowledge you have regarding other echo trip 1 participants) which, I am sure, will cause this trip to be a great enjoyment for all who attend, and ggreat fun, and.... and 'twill just be an 'oisome' time together with Christian brothers and sisters. I am also excited about some other things concerning ECHO and a bit disapointed with other things, including:
Disappointing - far as I know, Aaron Dinkledine will not be on the same ECHO trip as me. *sigh* He was my only 3-year fellow ECHOer, but will not be my 4th year 'mate'.
2.this trip will be my 3rd to last (as I hope to go to 2 next yr) as a high-schooler, which means that I will be 'over-the-hump' (hump being the haafway point in my ECHO travels, which was last yr).
3.Patrick, Jamie, and Adam S. aren't (as far as I know) coming!!! That means a huge loss from the great fun we had last year... :'(
4.umm... maybe thats it...
On To ECXITING- 1. Mr Cutter is coming! I missed him last year!
2.our leaders will be really cool altogether, not just Mr. Cutter, Im sure
3.This will be my 4th straight trip w/different leaders! Altho, I supose I've had Mr' Cutte once before, but I still dont have ALL the same leaders (1st trip I had the Farises (James and Elizabeth), and the Filsons[deffinitely a first-class leader and cookers/washers combo], 2nd Mr. Hanson, Mr Cutter, and my mom, Deborah, and Carrie as the cooks/washerers [definitely some good cooks/washers in there! ;) the leaders weren't bad either! Mr. Hanson really knew his stuff, and Mr. cutter was just Fun!], 3rd, the Larsons and the Dinkledines [good foos and washing, and some real good athletic activites for mostly the guys w/Ben, and great storytelling and photography from Mr. Diink])
4.BETHANY is coming! (that means, for those of you who don't know, for some oisome desert smashing!!! And, some reaally fun canoe rides [is Anna coming - oh yes! I believe she is coming as well!] if we go conoeing again)
5.Matt is coming!! I haven't talked to him for a while, and that'll mean great renewing of freindship, and some good clean (maybe dirty) fun!
6.I dont believe that Jamie is coming, nor is Patrick, which means no embarresign episodes caught forever on tape, and shown to all the people of the world (Adam didnt have much to do with those)! (altho, yknow, I'm sure Matt and some others will be able to pick up the slack in that area... oh well) ;)
I think thats all.
Wow - I have been rambling on for a long while now, so I shall hafta finish this some other time, as I need to hit the hay! Sorry I got away from my explanations for my non-shishkablogin' days I recently had - I'll get back to them tomarrow nite, probubly.


Song for this post - the Evanescence song with just piano, vocals, and chello - the 3rd track on the cd... I think. I really like that one. I like all of them. And as that was really the only music I listened to today, Ill put that. Not that I dont like them - on the contrary - I do like them quite a bit (to get back to your question, Luke)

Btw: I made a bunch of spelling errors, please try your best to read thru them in spite of the error. And if you'd like, you can comment an correct them - I don't mind.

Thursday, March 25, 2004

Preclude to next pessage......

Hmm.... rite after I put this up, I realized that apperently I DID put it up in enuf time for the first version to post! So, Forget this ('twas the 'zact same thing as the message 2 down, so, I'm just deleting the message)


Song(s) for this post: All of the LOTR soundtracks.... hmm, should I pick just one? okay, rite now then... The Lord of the Rings; The Fellowship of the Rings
.....(Continuation) Okay, guys - last nite i was writing a blog, when the internet went out (on school days, it goes off at 10pm - 'tis timed), just as I was putting my song off the post on, so I did not get to post it, but 'twas a TBC (to be continued), so, what I'll do is post it when i get home (rite now I'm at the 'puter at the Y - and there's no one here to play b-ball with, so I'm) bc I saved it, so, basically, rite now, I'm just writing you the 2nd part of what I started!
So, anywho, I was talking about my attack my 'Berly. See, there's a girl in my class, Kristina, who always enjoys stealing things from people. She always gives them back tho - 'tisn't like she Keeps what she steals. :) But, anyways, so she stole a bunch of stuff from Berly's purse, and then she gave me Berly's cellphone to give back to her, and before I could give it back, Berly saw that I had it and sunk her fingernails into the flesh on my left arm - 'twas painful! there are still marks from it! - and to top it all off, she ate my Hershey's Cookies 'n Cream candy bar! I was very sad... :( But, she did buy me another one the next day, so 'twas all good, mostly. And, she isn't purely evil, just occasionally she can be.
Also, Berly couldn't outrun me if her life depended on it! Especially with heels and a skirt on! I don't know what Charity's talkin' 'bout. She always tries to do things to me, but rarely succeeds. See, me and her kinda have a irritate-eachother-as-much-as-possible sttitude usually. But, she's cool, for the most part (and no, in case you are wondering there is no 'romantis interest' in our playful banters).
Well, there are more things I could talk about, but I'm tired an I think I'll go home and take a nap, so I suppose I'll be leaving now, so ttfn!


WHEW! I accedentally went back on this browser, but thankfully, this message didn't get deleted. I HATE when that happens!

Song for this post - No Leaf Clover by Metallica

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Note to Self: Do not play any games requiring the use of tagging a person thru the use of anothers hands... or any limb, for that matter, with Jeremiah!!! 'Tis pain-evoking! Altho, twas pretty fun, at least up until thennnn...... :) Oh, and if any of you are wondering I was most certainly Not faking it! Sonrise party was a good time tho, I must admit. Fairly Satisfactory games, above average nice fellowship, not horrendus bowling, not extremely shabby refreshment an beverage....etc.
On to other obscene comments and... stuff... Well, anywho, about my horrific attack from 'Berly ('tis what I call Kimberly) - Yesterday afternoon, at the hour of nearly 3pm (the hour of my departation from school), the poor defensiveless Edwin Allen Henry Blackwood II (Don't wear it out) was fiendishly and brutally attacked.... ack - I've got to go to bed.... TBC!!!


Song for this post: Another First Kiss by TMBG

Monday, March 22, 2004

Well, I have a lot of homework to do, so I need to make this quick. Hmm... Well, I had a pretty good day today. No big things happened, really, but 'twas a pretty good day, altho average. One thing bad that happened was that I was attacked by an evil Kim (a in my class)! Ooh - well, I shall have to 'splain more later! Choir practice is calling!

--A. Leon--

song for this post: Mink Car by They Might Be Giants

Saturday, March 20, 2004

Well guys, I feel like a bicycle (2 tired). SONRise party was pretty cool! I had a good time. We went bowling, and I got a 310 (bowling for 4 people at once). I didn't actually do very well - my highest score was like 85 or so. :) Oh well. I also learned a new game - Imaginiff - 'tis quite the fun game! If any of you have yet to have the oppurtunity of playing it, I'd definitely encourage you to do so! Hmm... well, seeing as I shold prolly go to bed soon... lata gatas.

Btw, my brackets are crap. Totally messed up are they. :)

Song for the post - Another Perfect Day by American Hi-Fi

Wednesday, March 17, 2004

Hey Y'all - Just an review I found on the internet (thanks to for it - check it out - there are more reviews and info on Eisley on the site), and I thought it could 'splain more about Eisley to those of you who've never heard of them (Hmm... until I told you, that's.... everyone, I beleive - and you can correct me if I'm wrong). So, read it! I think 'tis pretty cool, and (as I've never seen them live, only heard some of their mp3s and watched a music video) it tells you more than i could!

Eisley @ Club Clearview

March 8th, 2003
John Venable

I went to the Coldplay show in February and was totally blown away by the group that went on first. We only saw 3 songs, but they were so different, and so well performed that you couldn't help but take notice if you were there. I was shocked to find out later that the majority of the band isn't old enough to order a beer, and are all related to each other (except for the bass player...he's a best friend). Of course, there were skeptics who said that any band pumped through a great sound system like that would sound great; I beg to differ. If you stink, then you stink, but if you're great, that comes through too. Well I had the opportunity to see them again in a setting not as great as Next Stage at Club Clearview. Well, sorry skeptics, they're great! Their music is incredibly well crafted, and delivered with a quiet confidence. There appears to be a collective shyness that is rooted in the fact that they're genuinely humble about what they've created here. Sherri (guitar) and Stacy DuPree (keyboards) handle the lead vocals and their voices blend so perfectly...well, it's just amazing. Once Chauntelle (guitar) overcomes whatever it is it that keeps her from approaching the mike, I think we'll be in for even greater sounding mix. They all play their instruments with the assuredness of seasoned pros. With 3 females up front, you'd think that the guys are an afterthought, but that would be a mistake. To categorize them as a "girl band" or to slot them as a certain type of marketable entity would go against what they've got here. Weston DuPree is a solid drummer who'll only improve with all the gigs they'll be playing over the next few years. He's already good and has the potential to become scary good. Jonathan Wilson's bass playing is understated, but really creative. His bass lines are really well thought out and very integral to the sound of the band as a whole. He's not just bouncing along on the root of the chords mirroring the guitars, he's vital to the dreamy sound they create. Sonically they sound like nobody I've heard before and I think it's because every part of the band is just as important as the next to create the multi-layered, textural feel they have. This is an incredibly well-rehearsed band that knows their music backwards and forwards...they care. I love this band and hope the best for them. Lord knows I've thought that a few bands would break big and make an impact that didn't or have yet to do so (King's X, Sugarbomb, Billygoat). I think they have the potential to be commercially successful while maintaining their integrity because their attitude about what they're doing is so pure. They've been signed by Warner Brothers and we'll just have to wait and see if the label has the huevos to let them create in an indie environment while backing them with major label support. They deserve it.

~Ali Babua~

song for this post - Laughing City - Eisley
Well guys - I had a really pretty good day today! 'Twas "Go for the Green" day, which was our pre-fundraiser thingie at GCA, and the people who had the best and most green on won a gift certificates. So, our whole family pretty much decked out. :) I wore... well, 'twill take too long to 'splain, but I looked like a leprechaun (which was my intent). There were about 15 or so people who really did a good job, and we all won a pizza party (unexpected!). I was placed 1st, and won a $20 gift certificate. Maria (my sis, if any of you didn't know) won a $15 gift certificate for second place :). So, that was pretty cool. If any of you would like pics of me email me - - or maybe I'll just put a couple on here.

Also, this past Friday Night, Zachary and I had the oppourtunity to go downtown on the circle with 6 other people from school (and 3 not from GCA) to sing and wittness to people. 'Twas a really good experience, and I'm sure we both (or all, really) had a really good time doing it, altho 'twas Really Cold, and we did not have as much cold-weather wear as we should have. There were some really interested people, and some kinda rude people, but overall, I think 'twas a success. God really blessed it, I believe. The last person that I (and Kristina, a from my class - we went out in pairs) got to witness to was a (I think her name was Michelle and she was college age - prolly early to mid twenties, I thought) who didn't seem interested at first in listening and talking to us, but was willing to do so, if we didn't take too long. We asked her some questions, and found out that she believed that people went to heaven for a little while, and then were reincarnated and came back, and that she believed there was no absolute standard of right and wrong. So, we told her what we believed, wittnessing to her in the process, and then her mom (who she had been with, but when we stopped Michelle, went to get some coffee) said that they needed to go, so we asked her if she'd understood what we had to say, and she said she had, and could see our point-of-view. She seemed genuinely interested, and we gave her a tract and she left. So, if you could just pray for her (and all the others that were talked to that nite), that'd be oisome. :) Well, I think 'tis about time to eat! ttfn!

A. Leon

Song for this post - Irish Dreams II Soundtrack

Monday, March 15, 2004

You guys have gotta check out Eisley for some sweet new music! 'Tis some good stuff! I'd highly encourage you to listen to it. I suspect that you've never heard of them - well, they haven't released an album as of yet, just 2 ep's. They are very young - their lead singer is only 13! They have been said to sound like "Cranberries meets Travis" - a creative/indi type rock. I think they are really good, and, come on, they are touring with Coldplay! That's not bad! :) So - I'd highly suggest that you give 'em a listen! Give 'em a try, and don't make too quick of judgements. And, don't worry, if you don't like them, that's cool.

Also heres links for a music video of theirs:

Download "Marvelous Things"

WMA(Windows Media, for various connect speeds):

QuickTime (56,100,300,700):


Saturday, March 06, 2004

Well, today wasn't too great of a day for Indiana College hoops. IU lost to Wisconsin 70-52, Purdue lost to Iowa 63-62, Ball St lost in OT by 5, Evansville lost big to Southern Illinois. Notre Dame did beat St. Johns handily, but St. Johns is pretty bad this year. And, I'm still waiting on the Butler game - Buter needs to win this, and the rest of thier conference tourney, so they'll get a bid in the NCAA's, and last I saw they were tied up at 29 at the half. We'll just see how they end up doing. Well, if you all didn't know, I'm LOVE March Madness!!! The Bog Dance, BABY! You all should be psyched too. 'Tis the greatest tournament in all of sports, hands down, no competition. If any man have a different opinion, he be no friend of mine! Just joshing. :) But, I don't know many who have that opinion differing from mine.
So, that's about all i have to say right now. I hope you all have a wonderful day tomarrow, worshipping and praising God on His day! Oh - for those of you who didn't know, there is a at my school, Jessica Lovins, a 6th Grader, who had surgery to remove a brain tumor last Tuesday, and is recovering, so if you could just pray for her, that she'd be continuing to recover, and that she'd hopefully have minimal brain damage or anything. This coming Tuesday we are having a fundraiser for her at school that shall hopefully go well
Blue Da Ba Dee :)
Hey! Have any of you read 'The Chronicles of Narnia', by C.S. Lewis? In my opinion, they are very good books. Right up there w/LOTR. Actually, C. S. Lewis and JRR Tolkien were good friends, fm what Ive heard. Well, if you do like, or would like (you would) them check this out! - Narnia


First Film in C.S. Lewis' Landmark Series Scheduled to be Released Christmas, 2005

BURBANK, CA ( March 1, 2004) - The Walt Disney Studios has entered into an agreement with Walden Media to co-finance and distribute the long-awaited motion picture The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the , and the Wardrobe, the first book published in C.S. Lewis' famed series, it was announced today (3/1) by Dick Cook, chairman of The Walt Disney Studios, and Cary Granat, chief executive officer of Walden Media. The live-action film will be directed by Andrew Adamson (Shrek, Shrek 2) and is scheduled to be released Christmas, 2005, by Walt Disney Pictures. The agreement allows for the continuation of the partnership for future films in the series.

Go to Narnia for more info on this movie and all of Narnia!

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Cannon Fodder!!! Play it! 'Tis fun! There are also q few other good games on here.

So, what is a Leprechaun, you may ask? As it is getting near St. Pattie's day, and I seem to be called one of those things fairly often, so, i'll put an explanation, if any of you happen to have been wonderign what exactly they are. :)


(Redirected from Leprachaun)

In Irish folklore, leprechauns are a type of elf said to inhabit the island of Ireland. A few Irish people believe in the reality of leprechauns but most people treat them as a charming piece of folklore that adds to the magic of Ireland.

The leprechaun according to folklore
Leprechaun sightings, while rare, occur most frequently in the vicinity of faerie forts (drumlins).

Solitary by nature, leprechauns live in remote places and make shoes and brogues. Their name literally means "one shoe maker" and they are sometimes detected by the rhythmic tapping of their cobbler's hammer as they go about their work.

In appearance a leprechaun takes the form of a diminutive old man, usually no larger than three feet tall, wearing a cocked hat, leather (work) apron, woolen vest, knee breeches, long stockings and silver-buckled brogues. They are always bearded and are usually pipe smokers. In modern times leprechauns are often depicted wearing emerald green frock coats as part of a brightly colored ensemble but this has more to do with the image of a leprechaun on the packaging of the popular breakfast cereal Lucky Charms than established tradition.

Leprechauns know the location of buried treasure, often a crock of gold. They will reveal the location of this treasure if caught but will not give it up easily, hence the saying that a leprechaun's treasure is at the "end of the rainbow" (i.e. unobtainable).

By nature leprechauns are mischievous with a great fondness for Celtic music and sports. They like nothing better than a well-crafted, ironic practical joke and Irish folklore is replete with examples. Once, a farmer captured a leprechaun and forced him to reveal the location of buried treasure. The leprechaun assured him that the treasure was buried in an open field beneath a particular ragwort plant. The farmer tied a red bandana to the plant, released the leprechaun, and left to get a shovel. Upon his return he found that all the weeds in the field had been tied with identical red bandanas.

Leprechauns are said to serve as defenders of the faerie community i.e. a type of palace guard to the faerie queen.

Leprechauns in fiction

John Franklin Bardin: The Deadly Percheron (1946) (ISBN 1841950130 [UK] or ISBN 1890208108 [US]).

*thanx to for this*
Hey Y'all This is my Blog-like thingie. I just started one b/c.... umm.... Well, I just started it. I don't really know why, but I did.
So, today I went to school. I stayed home fm school sick yesterday, and my wife, Hope, heard something fm one of the teachers saying that "Allen isn't coming back." So, everyone was like, "Allen, you came back! I heard that you weren't coming back to school" and all that. I had a Geometry proof test today - 'twasn't too hard, and it didn't hurt that I only had to do one proof (I'm a really slow test-taker, if you didn't know). Other than that, well, I figured out how old I am, in days, hours, minutes, and seconds! I don't have the exact numbers that I figured out(I'll get those later), but I remember that I was about 8.96million minutes old, and something like 550million seconds old. :) I figured it out at like 2pm, and assuming I was born at 5am, I was pretty darn close!'Twas really.... Exact.
Hey - I'm looking for Ex-words, particularly adjectives, so, if any of you have any ideas, g'head and give 'em to me.
Well, back to school - After school, I talked to my Physics teacher, Mr. Andrew Hawkins, about IU, and their excessively poor efforts in the latter half of this season. Bracey (Wright) is pretty much the only bright spot on the team, well, except for A.J. (Moye). (George) Leach has been really un-exhilarating this year. He's a talented, physical player, who can block shots, but, he seems just to react slow and stuff. Oh well - there's always next year, I suppose. 'Tis nice - I have Mr. Gale to talk about ND with, and Mr. Hawkins for IA, and then Mr. Nanney to talk about the pro sports with. Pretty Much all the Indiana NCAA teams are down this year. Purdue, since the first like 3 weeks of the season, hasn't been real hot. Butler has been just okay, ND hasn't been bad, but more was expected of them, really, and, well, IU is definitely down. IUPUI hasn't been doing bad tho - hopefully they'll be able to win their tourney and get into the big dance.
Anyways, well, as I came out to the van after talking to Mr. Hawkins for about 15-20mins, I found that my siblings had turned it on, and were blasting Rammstein at 33(which is full volume) w/all the windows open and everything, so I turned it down a bit, then I drove off, but I exempted Tamara from getting in our good ol' vehicular device, so I had to stop to let her get on, and as that was happening, our principal, Mr. Melvin came out and kinda looked at us funny, as we were listening to German hark rock at an ear-splitting 183decibals (a little exaggeration). Also, I was delayed by all the skaters and their accomplices hanging onto the van, but I finally got away!
After that we all went to the bank, and now I'm home. I did other stuff as well, but I'll spare you from the boring details.

Well, this has been my first blog, my first example of shishkablogin', so enjoy!
