Thursday, April 29, 2004

I've Been Thinking About Putting Titles on My Posts...

...It seems like the 'cool' thing to do. And, I think 'twill enhance both my shiskabloggin' (as the shiskablogger) and your shiskabloggin' (as the shishkabloggee). So, if there are no objections, I will be using titles in my blogs! Or I'll at least BOLD a little sentence at the beginning of my posts, from now on... :) Welp, ya'll had better speak forth now (If any objections you have), or forever hold your peace!

Trying on my post to speak in sentences reversed will I this day be doing. To do so fun can be if try you do. Encourage you would I to sometime try to this do. Wierd this seems..... Tho fun 'tis. Keep doing this should I? Decide now I can't do. Experience the fun must I do. Stop I must. Do this I cannot. Stop soon I shall.

Okay - welp, that was fun! Okay, now on to other matters... I think I will post an epitaph I wrote a few days ago:

Missed Opportunities

By Allen Blackwood

The time when I was redesigning the GTR

When she came up to my desk

She asked me a question

"How are you always so happy?"

I gave her a quick answer...

The time when I rode the bus to work as a young man

I was happy about my new job in car design

When he sat beside me

I felt I should share with him

But I pushed it away, 'I don't think I can....'

The time when I ate at one of the church's banquets

When the teenager sat across from me

I knew his parents were having struggles with him

And I wanted to really talk to him

But we just talked about surface things; that’s it...

Now, I wish I had shared deeper things to those in need

As I go now to see my God

I wish I had brought more to know the Lord

I lived most of my life for Christ

But I wish I had taken more opportunities...

Have Fun - I've gotta hit the sack!


Song for this post:

Believe, by Yellowcard

Verse for this post:
James 1:19-20 - So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

Quote for this post:
"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers."
-Socrates (Thanks to Coolquiz)

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Hey guys (and gals)!
Wow - Im updating! It has been a while! Sorry for that. Just to let you know, I did try to update last week, and 'twas a pretty good update, too, but it got deleted! Well.... my life's been pretty busy lately, altho, if I'd simply organize and use my time more wisely and not simply waste so much time doing nothing or next to nothing, I'd have so much more time for this, and other, more important things. If any of you'd like, you could pray for me on that. I really need to use time wisely, especially for the future, as I'm sure I'll be much more busy than I am now. Also, when I do do things, I need to give them my all, 'cuz I usually don't.

What else, what else... Well, I had an oisome (you hafta say it out - I like using it, because I don't much like using awesome, because, really, only God is truly awesome [can I get an Amen? :)]) day today. We had a golf walk fund raiser thingie, which since many of ya don't know - 'tis an event in which we send out letters asking for donations to people for our walking (or golfing at) a golf course one day. 'Tis a really fun time actually - you can just hang out with your friends and talk to people, eat, etc. There are people at our school who it, but I really don't see why - I really have enjoyed it the past couple of years. Altho, the sending out of brochures is not all that much fun, filling out 25+ brochures to people, a lot of whom I didn't know (see, every kid is s'posta send out 25 of them, so we sent out 150 this year and last, not including my dad's 50 (I think 'twas 50) that he sent out in order to golf. 'Tis a good way to get donations, I think, but I think 'tis getting a bit old - we've done it foe the past 3 years, and I think we're changing next year.

Anywho, so today, after our first 3 classes (of which English was really good, btw), we drove (or rode) over to Hickory Stick Golf course, where pretty much our entire school walked, ran, piggybacked, etc around 9 holes of golf (which was about 2miles or so). We ate a pretty good meal of hamburgers and hot dogs and brauts and chips, and then most everyone ('cept the elementary kids) huddled in our cars in order to keep warm until the event began. I was with a few different people, but I ended up being in Ashley's car w/Hope, Cassandra, Christy, and Ashley. 'Twas really pretty cold outside, and, as I was wearing shorts and a t-shirt (having given my sweatshirt away already), I appreciated the warmth that the vehicular device provided - and besides that, 'twas fun talking and such in there!

After a few minutes, we all gathered on a hill over looking some of the path, and watched a living golf 'banner' enacted by our beloved sophmores for us all to see (there were different people who acted and dressed thier part - i. e. John Lederman was the ball, my bro was the hole, Beouy was the club, etc), had some instructions and a prayer, and then began the walk. during the walk, we did various things such as pictures, bible triva (I won a blow-pop!), bubble blowing, and just walking. I had the Wonderful oppurtunity to carry my good (altho somewhat heavy) friend Aaron Short on my shoulders for probubly about 20 minutes or so. :) Great experience, lemme tell ya, altho my shoulders and back were a bit sore afterwards, along with Aaron's... well, Aaron was kinda sore as well. THANKS to Mr. Short (the elder) for the very excellent 'popping' (what other word could I use??) of my back when we finished.

Good times. When we got back, many left soon afterwards, while others drank free beverages and/or played on the playscapes (or with the sumowresting suits) provided by... ooh - I can't remember the name of the place! I should know - I had the oppurtunity to work for them for a day... something to do with Fun. Oh well. So, I jumped on the moonwalk, sumo wrestled, among other things, and we got out of there at around 3:30. Then, I took a nap, ate, did chores and etc, and I'm now doing this!

One thing I neglected to mention - the houses at Hickory Stick around the course were really cool (I would use gorgeous, but I don't know if that's how you spell it!) - Aaron and I were talking about them for a few minutes as we passed them by. One other thing - I also wore Whitney Brown(Whimar)'s jacket thingie (I don't know what they're really called...) - the long jacket-type things that s oft are clothed in - doya know what I'm talking about? Well, anywho - 'tisn't quite part of a man's wardrobe (so people were kinda making fun of me), but I was pretty chilled out there, and Whimar (pronounced Whimmer, in case you were wondering) had it extra, and insisted that I wear it, so I gave into her wishes for a while and wore it.
Well, that was my day. 'Twas a pretty good day, if I do say so myself. :) I had a great time, thanks mostly to the oisome friends I have. I love my school. The people, the teachers, the other staff - they all are really cool. I love my class especially.

Hmm... I also got the ECHO trip confirmation letter and list last nite!!!! I was so psyched!!! I was already feeling real good after the prayer meeting we had at Aaron's humble abode - we (Zachary and I) always have a great time at those. Devon, John Emmett, Hope, Casey, Kristina, and Christy were those present, along w/me and Z. We had a good time discussing things we'd learned, our favorite Bible characters, the Sr. camping trip, among other things, and a good time in prayer, and then in more chit chat afterwards. Then I go home ad check my email, among other things, and I see the ECHO conformation letter! For those of you who haven't Yet been, 'tis an oisome experience. I HIGHLY recommend going, if you are high school or college age. And, if you Have been, but not yet had the experience of being w/me there, you're definitely missing out! I go pretty crazy down at Ft. Myers! Heh - but, whoever you go with, you have a great time, renewing, deepening, and making new friendships, while you are working to further God's Kingdom all over the world. There are always some real good Bible QT's and sharing from the Bible, listening to your leaders, etc. 'Tis so good. I hope to go 2, even 3 times next year, because I just enjoy it and gain so much from the experience.

Well, enough about ECHO. Enough about other stuff too. 'Tis time to 'hit the sack' as the phrase goes. 'Tis been a good time writing once again! Sorry again for my neglecting it for so long. Also, thanks, David, for the prompting to take up blogging once again! I've missed it.

Thank you, thank you very much folks. 'Tis been great. Have a spectacularly wonderful, phantasmagorically good God blessed day today! I appreciate your patience, and I hope you have a good time reading once again!

~ Al'n ~

Song for this post:

The Reason, by Hoobastank

Verse for this post:
Proverbs 12:1 - "Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, but he who s correction is stupid."

Quote for this post:
"Ya know when you have to write for school... you write your thoughts in a set order... your ideas have to flow smoothly from one point to the next. With a blog you can write as discursively as you wish. You don't really have to think about what you are writing you just write whatever is on your brain at that moment. Its kinda fun."
~Christy Helweg~

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Sorry everyone - I attempted to post this last nite, but as the time was past 10, my attempt failed. thankfully, I saved it, so here it is, a day late, but "better late that never" rite? Also, I added the quote today.

Hey ya'll! Greetings from me as I'm 'Back home in Indiana!' I just wanted to put this email(actually 2 emails) I got from 'Berly up on here, bc she couldnt comment or something. Do you guys(and gals) remember the time when I talked about Berly hurting me? Well, this is her side of the story. 'Tis quite humerous, if you aks me. :)

Berly: I couldn't comment on your website b/c the computer wouldn't open it up so I thought I'd send you an email with my side of the story.

As Kimberly (not berly) walked into the Physics class, she saw a strange creature rumaging through her purse, stealing things and handing them out to people to keep. She made her way over to her chair and sat down while yelling at the creature. She saw the creature hand her beloved cellphone to a fellow creature who annoys her a lot by calling her berly so without knowing what to do next she unleashed her claws on the evil creature that had her cell phone and wouldn't let go until the phone was safe in her hands. When she received the cell from the wounded creature, she wasn't done with her revenge and ate his candy bar.

That's what really happen so don't even think you are the victim here. I am! So hah! And I apologized for hurting you! Even though it was kinda funny! lol!
see ya,

Berly2: And I could sooo beat you running in my heals!

- Alin -

Song for this post:

Opening 'and' Pts. Of. Athrty by Linkin Park (From Reanimation CD)

Verse for this post:
John 3:16 - "For God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."

Quote for this post:
"We don't seem to be able to check crime, so why don't we legalize it and then tax it out of business."
- Will Rogers

(Thanks to Cool Quiz for this quote)

P.S. Btw, I made up all of the links off of the top of my head, so I dunno if they are real or not. :)

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Some of you visitor's to my world-famous blog may notice something just a little different it it. Can you place it? Just look at everything closely, and you may realize what it is. 'Tis just a very small thing, so don't feal stupid if you don't figure it out, but, if you do figure it out, g'head and comment and tell me what you think 'tis, and I'll tell you whether you are correct or not, soon! :) Isn't it exciting!


Song for this post:

The Michalin Tire Song - "Never gonna let you go" (You all know how it goes - "Baby, I'm never gonna let you go, Gonna hold you in my arms forever....." - 'twas our 'theme song' for ECHO 2k2!)

Verse for this post:
Ecclesiastes 11:3b - "...if a tree falls to the south or the north, In the place where the tree falls, there it shall lie." I like this verse. :) 'Tis the obvious verse. I mean, y'know, "In the place where the tree falls, there it shall lie." So great! 'Twas sorta one of our theme verses for ECHO 2k3.

P.S. Btw, in case you didn't notice, 'Lando reminds me of ECHO! :)
Well, I suppose I should finish what i started last nite, about my busy schedule and etc.
I will just
make it
and sweet.
Saturday, March 27th, 2k4:
Got up early - about 6:40(AM), i think 'twas. - ate, and then helped my uncle and aunt and cousins move from Lapel (Andersonish) area to some place which was almost to Ft. Wayne. Packed, ate, Unpacked, ate, drove toward home, ate (yummy Ice cream) w/my g'pa and g'ma and uncle and aunt (and siubs, obviously), switched from G'pa's vehicular device to our own at a gas station, drove home, and finally got back at about 9:40(PM). Busy day, but worthwhile. My Aunt and Uncle's house is oisome!
Sunday, March 28th, 3k4:
Breakfast, Get ready, Church service and Sunday School, etc, go home, lunch, pack a litlle for 'Lando, nap, Evening service and etc, home, pack for a few hours, finally get to bed.
Monday, March 29th, 2k4ff (and following):
Travel to Chatanooga, do a couple of things there, then to 'Lando, than do stuff in 'Lando! (I'll just hafta 'splain more later, IF any of you wanna know), bc rite now I'm kinda tired! :)

Well, I hope y'all have a stupendus time reading this, and be sure to comment on this, and, also,
read and comment on my previous post (about dogs and cats). TTFN!


Song for this post: 'Inflatable' by Bush (oisome song - you MUST listen to it sometime - Email me @ if you'd like it - I can send it, or a link to download it toya!)

Verse for this post: Philipians 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
"Abby is smarter than I thought! She's actually picking up on the techniques of her wiser fellow animals... cats!:)" - Wow Margeret.
That statement just shows how far our society has fallen, even our Christian society! Thats just...... sad. Cats - WISER than dogs!?!??!!??! Wow. That's just dreadful. Man. Okay, now, I must admit, Marge, that the occasional rare cat mey be quote "smarter" than say the average dog, but to say that Dogs pick up on thier "wiser fellow animals"???? Cats are NOT wiser than dogs. Again, maybe there are a few who are a bit smarter.... but Wiser? Not a chance (well, cats may be wiser than some dogs, like, say, poodles and those short loong wiener dogs and such). Dog's are, by far, the wisest of all pets. I mean, dog's are man's best friend! Ugh
Anywho, dogs are awesome. Dogs love(well, not that dogs have the ability to 'love' but y'know what i mean) you, you as a person. Cats "love" your food, your warm lap and petting of thier fur (SOMETIMES), and thats about it. DOGS RULE, CATS DROOL!

P.S. Btw, I really love all animals (as anyone who's seen me around them at echo knows - Marge - you'll get to see and experience first hand of my love for animals at ECHO! :) Altho, sometimes at ECHO 'my' animals did die sad ss, but that's beside the point), but the domestic cat is about my least favorite animal, bc of thier fickleness and uncaring attitude. I detest i, but I still like cats.

Note: This was posted as a response to a comment by Marge on David's most recent (well, most recent at this time) blog post, but I just wanted to add it onto this in case some of you good people didnt see it.


Song for this post: 'I am a grocery Bag' by They Might Be Giants *great group - you must check 'em out!*

******NEW FEATURE:******
Verse (or Passage, Psalm, etc) for this post: "Speak the truth in love" - Eph. 4:15