Thursday, April 29, 2004

I've Been Thinking About Putting Titles on My Posts...

...It seems like the 'cool' thing to do. And, I think 'twill enhance both my shiskabloggin' (as the shiskablogger) and your shiskabloggin' (as the shishkabloggee). So, if there are no objections, I will be using titles in my blogs! Or I'll at least BOLD a little sentence at the beginning of my posts, from now on... :) Welp, ya'll had better speak forth now (If any objections you have), or forever hold your peace!

Trying on my post to speak in sentences reversed will I this day be doing. To do so fun can be if try you do. Encourage you would I to sometime try to this do. Wierd this seems..... Tho fun 'tis. Keep doing this should I? Decide now I can't do. Experience the fun must I do. Stop I must. Do this I cannot. Stop soon I shall.

Okay - welp, that was fun! Okay, now on to other matters... I think I will post an epitaph I wrote a few days ago:

Missed Opportunities

By Allen Blackwood

The time when I was redesigning the GTR

When she came up to my desk

She asked me a question

"How are you always so happy?"

I gave her a quick answer...

The time when I rode the bus to work as a young man

I was happy about my new job in car design

When he sat beside me

I felt I should share with him

But I pushed it away, 'I don't think I can....'

The time when I ate at one of the church's banquets

When the teenager sat across from me

I knew his parents were having struggles with him

And I wanted to really talk to him

But we just talked about surface things; that’s it...

Now, I wish I had shared deeper things to those in need

As I go now to see my God

I wish I had brought more to know the Lord

I lived most of my life for Christ

But I wish I had taken more opportunities...

Have Fun - I've gotta hit the sack!


Song for this post:

Believe, by Yellowcard

Verse for this post:
James 1:19-20 - So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God.

Quote for this post:
"Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food and tyrannize their teachers."
-Socrates (Thanks to Coolquiz)


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